English Dictionary

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 pause pause /ˈpɔz/


  1. () A time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something  ( break , intermission , interruption , suspension , pause )
    a time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something
      She took a momentary pause before answering the question.
    She took a momentary pause before answering the question.
  2. () Temporary inactivity  ( pause )
    temporary inactivity
      He took a brief pause to collect his thoughts before answering.
    He took a brief pause to collect his thoughts before answering.


  1. () Interrupt temporarily an activity before continuing  ( hesitate , pause )
    interrupt temporarily an activity before continuing
     The speaker paused
    The speaker paused
  2. () Cease an action temporarily  ( break , intermit , pause )
    cease an action temporarily
     We pause for station identification
    We pause for station identification
     Let's break for lunch
    let's break for lunch